Temtem Wiki
Stone Wall
The best way to stonewall a Temtem, giving DEF Stats and SPDEF Stats.
Technique Details
Type earthEarth
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 18
Hold 1
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Single Target

Stone Wall is a StatusStatus earthEarth Technique. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC002.


Stone Wall gifts a single target with DEFStats and SPDEFStats.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#027 SkailSkail TC002
#028 SkunchSkunch TC002
#031 RhoulderRhoulder TC002
#050 ValashValash TC002
#072 CrystleCrystle TC002
#073 SheraldSherald TC002
#074 TorteniteTortenite TC002
#092 SmazeeSmazee TC002
#093 BaboongBaboong TC002
#094 SeismunchSeismunch TC002
#101 KaurenKauren TC002
#111 GrumvelGrumvel TC002
#112 GrumperGrumper TC002
#137 KinuKinu TC002
#141 PigepicPigepic TC002

Update History[]
